Central pub & restaurant


Cold appetizers

Hot appetizers


Main Meals poultry

Main Meals

Main Meals beef

Main meals fish


Vegetarian Meals

Specialties of Slovakia

Specialties for our gourmets

Salads large

Salads small


Side dishes

Cold sauces

Hot sauces


  1. Cereals containing gluten
  2. Crustacea and crustacean products
  3. Eggs and crustacean products
  4. Fish and fish products
  5. Peanuts and peanut products
  6. Soy beans and soy products
  7. Milk and milk products including lactose
  8. Nuts: almonds, hazel nuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, and nut products
  9. Celery and celery products
  10. Mustard and mustard products
  11. Sesame seeds and sesame products
  12. Sulfur dioxide concentration of more than 10 mg/kg or 10mg/l
  13. Lupini beans and lupini products
  14. Shellfish and shellfish products
  15. Honey
  16. Mushroom and mushroom products